Thursday, October 31, 2013

Planets - Astrology Exaltation and Debilitation

A simple story for remembering Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets in Astrology
Exaltation means being in high position, exhileration and strength. Debility means weakness, and humility .
The zodiac is the planetary cabinet. The first house or sign should be occupied by protocol by the King as the Ist citizen. Sun is the king of planetary cabinet. Hence he should be exalted on his thrown in the Ist sign Aries. A king enjoys power and position only when attended by the commander in chief Mars and the servant Saturn. Aries is the sign owned by Mars, the commander in chief of the planetary cabinet and Saturn the servant is debilitated (humbled) in Aries due to the authority of the King and the commander in chief. The King is attended on either side (Pisces and Taurus by Venus the courtesan and the Queen Moon).
The place next to the King shall go only to the Queen. Hence Moon is exalted in Taurus. Sun owns Leo and Moon owns Cancer and get exalted in Aries and Taurus respectively. Next to Queen no one can sit. Hence Gemini has neither exaltation or debilitation of any planet in it. Cancer is owned by the Queen (Queen's place) Moon. Jupiter is the preceptor and further has a respectable place in the Queen's palace when he visits Cancer. Hence Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Mythologically Moon (as male disciple of Jupiter) has an episode with Tara, the wife of Jupiter, which culminated in the birth of a child Budha. Mars the commander in chief visits the Queen's palace to carry out the commands or run errands of the Queen. Hence he is debilitated in Cancer. In the King's palace of Leo no planet can be exalted. Hence free from exaltation or debilitation. Virgo is owned by Mercury. Mercury is the finance minister in the planetary cabinet hence exalted in Virgo. Venus the courtesan is debilitated in the house of the finance minister, personally visiting for financial aid.
Libra is owned by courtesan (damsel). When the king visits the court damsel, naturally he is accompanied by the servant Saturn. In the house of a damsel the king looses his authority. Hence is debilitated in Libra. The servant Saturn is the master of the situation (arranging meeting of Damsel Venus and King Sun) and is exalted. Scorpio is owned by Mars. When Moon the Queen visits the quarters of subordinate commander in chief, she is humbled. Hence is debilitated in Scorpio. In the mansion of the Guru Jupiter no planet is exalted or debilitated. Capricorn is the quarters of the servant and soldier Saturn. Mars visits the barracks of soldier. He the commander in chief visits with authority. Hence is exalted. Jupiter the preceptor and prime minister by visiting the quarters of a servant looses his dignity and status.
Hence Jupiter is debilitated in the house of Saturn - Capricorn Aquarius also is owned by Saturn. There is no debility or exaltation of planets in it. Pisces is owned by Jupiter. Venus, the damsel, being in the house of respected Jupiter in the proximity of the king In Pisces naturally has power hence is exalted. Finance Minister, and in the proximity of the king is subdued of his authority and hence is debilitated in Pisces.
This is one line of explanation of exaltation and debilitation of planets on the basis of planet politics.

Another simple Story.

Sun the the king of Planets is in Aries, Next to him is Queen in Taurus.  No one can sit next her, hence Gemini is blank.  Later, Rajaguru Jupiter is seated on Cancer (tortoise type) chair.  Next is the King's room, and hence no body can be there.  Next is the Daughter 's (kanya) room, where the youngest son, Mercury is exalted.  Next the office room/ Judiciary room (Libra), wherein the servant, Saturn  is cleaning.  Next you see Scorpio, sting or the jeep is for Military, where Mars exalts.  Finally the young attractive daughter of King, Venus is next to King on other side, at Pisces. 

Horoscope analysis of Divorced couple


Basic Thumb rule for happy married life - Seen from Lagna - Moon, Venus, the 2nd, 7th, and 10th Lord must be in houses other than 6th, 8th and 12th Houses.  If they are in 2nd, 7th and 11th Houses, the couple will have very happy married life.

Analysis of Horoscope of Divorced Boy: 

Let us see the Planetary position of the Boy who might have to be avoided.  

1. The Lagna Lord getting debilitated, combusted by the Sun, moving in retrograde manner or gets Thithi Shunya.

2. The Lagna Lord staying in conjuction and aspect with 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house Lords.

3. The placement of Lagna Lord in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house.

4. The presence of any debilitated Planets in the Lagna.

5. The Presence of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords in the Lagna.

6. The presence of Mars, Rahu, descending Moon and Saturn in the Lagna or association of these planets with the  Lagna Lord.

7. The presence of Mars in 6th, 7th and 8th house.

8. The combination of Mars and Venus in Lagna, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th house. In these days, Mars and Venus in Lagna and 7th could be deemed, due to change in environment. 

9. The combination of Moon and Venus in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th house.

10. The combination of Sun and Venus in 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th house.

11. The combination of Sun and Mars, Sun and Rahu in any house.

12. The combination of Saturn and Mars in any house.

13. The combination of descending Moon and Rahu in any house.

14. The association of Lagna Lord with 3rd house Lord.

15. The 11th house Lord stronger than 7th house Lord.

16. The 7th house lord getting debilitated or getting associated with 6th, 8th and 12th house lord.

17. The presence of 7th house lord in the 6th, 8th and 12th house.

18. The presence of 6th, 8th and 12th house lord in the 7th house.

19. The 7th house lord traversing through the Star that is owned by the 6th, 8th and 12th house lords.

20. The Lagna or 7th house lord getting affected by Vainasika Dosham.

21. The 7th house lord getting combusted by Sun or moving in a retrograde manner. 

22. Saturn aspect on 7th house or LL and Venus

23. If Venus is aspected either by Rahu or Ketu and by Saturn or Mars without any association or aspect by Jupiter, there is denial of marriage.

These are some of the important planetary position that would indicate that the Boy will be possesing some negative qualities. 

Analysis of Horoscope of Divorced Girl: 

1. The Debiltation of Lagna Lord and 4th house Lord.

2. The Presence of Lagna Lord and 4th house Lord in malefice house.

3. The Conjuction and aspection of Lagna and Lagna Lord with malefic planets.

4. The Lagna, 4th house Lord and the Lagna Lord getting afflicted by the deadly "Vainasika Dosha".

5. The presence of Raghu in the Lagna and 4th house; and association of Rahu with Lagna Lord.

6. The Combination of Sun and Mars in any house is considered highly inauspicious, especially 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th House, without any redemption by Jupiter either by aspect or association. 

7. The Combination of Mars and Venus in Lagna, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house is unwelcome. 

8. The Combination of Moon and Venus in Lagna, 4th, 7th and 10th house is considered inappropriate.

9. The Combination and aspection of Saturn and Mars is considered as "most unlucky". 

10. The presence of any debilitated planets in the Lagna and the 4th house. 

11. Sun-Mars combination is 6th, 7th or 8th and 12th houses without redemption by Jupiter either by aspect or association causes severe marriage dosha or separation.