Prashna for Lost Articles
- The Lagna gives the direction, place and time of theft.
- Navamsha Lagna gives the nature of the lost article.
- The Drekkana of Lagna gives the form of thief.
- If Lagna and Navamsha Lagna is
- Fixed signs – the stolen article is in the same place and a person known to the querist has stolen.
- Movable signs – some external person has stolen.
- Dual signs – Neighbour has stolen and the article has gone outside of the house.
- The direction where the stolen article has gone is to be told from the planet placed in the quadrants. If it is not possible, the direction is to be told from the sign of the ascendant. The distance is to be told from the number of Navamsha elapsed. This number will give the distance in Yojana. One Yojana may be taken roughly as equal to 8 miles.
- The caste, colour, qualities and form of thief will correspond to the nature of the strongest planet placed in the 7th house. If it is an odd sign and there is under aspect of a male planet, the thief is a male otherwise a female.
- The age of the thief corresponds to the planet in 7th House and these are Moon (Baby),Mars (Boy), Mercury (Teenager), Venus (Young man), Jupiter (Middle aged person), Sun (Old man) and Saturn (Very old man)
- Benefic in ascendant and aspected by another benefic.
- Venus in the second house and Jupiter in the 12th house with a benefic in the ascendant
- Full Moon in the ascendant or if there is a benefic in a Shirshodaya Rashi aspected by a benefic or if there is a very strong benefic in the eleventh house. Recovered quickly.
- Benefic in the second, third, or fourth house or if the same be in the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses, the stolen article will be recovered without any doubt.
- Full Moon in the ascendant and aspected by Jupiter or Venus or if benefics be placed in quadrants and Upachaya Sthana or if benefics be placed in the second and Upachaya Sthana.
- Full Moon, Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is placed in the ascendant.
- Benefics are placed in the seventh house.
- Benefic in the 2nd or 3rd house from the ascendant or from the 4th house.
- If the ascendant of query falls in the sign of a malefic, aspected by a malefic.
- If the 7th house falls in the sign Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius and these signs contain their own Navamshas and if the 7th house is aspected by malefics or if Mars is placed in the 8th house in these Navamshas.