Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Astrology Topics for Learning

  1. What is Jyotish, and its relation to the Vedas.
  2. Name four key historical figures in Jyotish.
  3. Name four classical texts of Vedic astrology.
  4. Name the Six Limbs of Jyotisha.
  5. The fundamentals of Parashari and Jaimini systems of astrology.
  6. The relationship between astrology and Auyurveda, Vastu, Yoga, and Palmestry.
  7. The differences between the Sidereal and Tropical zodiacs.
  8. What is Ayanamsa is, and be able to list the name and value of the “official” one in India.
    1. The Natural benefic and malefic planets.
    2. The Temporal benefic and malefic planets based on Lagna.
    3. The permanent friends and temporal friends.
  9. Each planet’s rulership, exaltation, debilitation, and mulatrikona.
  10. The characteristics and qualities of the planets, including guna, element, karaka, and planetary camp.
  11. Basic astronomical principles of Vedic astrology.
  12. Shadbala
  13. The Sanskrit names for all planets, signs, houses, and nakshatras.
  14. The characteristics of the signs, including elements, guna, body parts, and qualities.
  15. The importance of Lagna.
  16. The different chart styles: Rashi, Bhava, North & South Indian, Chandra & Surya Lagna.
  17. The different house systems, e.g. Sri Pati, Equal.
  18. The qualities of the houses, including kendras, trikonas, upachaya, dustana, apachaya, maraka.
  19. How the houses relate to the four aims of life.
  20. Which houses the malefic or benefic planets best function in.
  21. The House Karakas.
  22. The topics and indications of each house.
  23. How temporal malefics and benefics are determined.
  24. How to use Bhavat Bhavam.
  25. The planetary aspects.
  26. What is Sambandha.
  27. The nature and effects of planetary conjunctions.
  28. What are planetary Yogas
  29. Knowledge of the following yogas: Mahapurusha, Raja, Vipreet Raja, Dhana, Daridra, Sannyasa, Papakartari, Shubhakatari, Gajakesari, Chandra, Balarishta, and Kala Sarpa.
  30. What is Kuja dosha and Kendradhipati dosha.
  31. The rules for cancellation of debility.
  32. How each planet functions for each Lagna
  33. The three main factors examined when determining the affairs of a house
  34. The three main factors used to determine if a planet is strong or weak in the chart.
  35. Know why we blend natural and temporal status of planet during analysis.
  36. Name four important Vargas
  37. How to calculate the Navamsa and Drekkana charts mentally (in your head).
  38. Knowledge of the  Nakshatras by name, zodiacal location and planetary ruler.
  39. Knowledge of general muhurta functions of the Nakshatras.
  40. What factors are used in relationship compatibility
  41. Gandanta.
  42. Vimshotari dasha: how to calculate, how to interpret.
  43. Some Rashi based dasha systems.
  44. Gochara, including Sadesati
  45. Explain the terms Varshapal, Prasna, and Muhurta
  46. The Jaimini Planetary Karakas.
  47. Name the five factors of Panchanga.
  48. What is Astakavarga.
  49. The important specifics of remedial measures, including color, gems, planetary yantras, charity, planetary mantras, yajnas, and pujas.
  50. The nine planetary deities and their use in remedial measures.
  51. The role, skill and responsibilities of being an professional Vedic astrologer.
  52. A thorough knowledge of the introductory Sanskrit terms that are used in this study guide.

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